Monday, October 5, 2009

TIME to blog a bit?

GRANDMA and GRANDPA BRUER took us to the L.A. County FAIR! We had a WONDERFUL time!

GOTTA LOVE this! Tori seems to get annoyed when Kelli and Kara LOVE on her...she likes to be left alone!

This was by the PIGLETS nursing...

The piglets CUTE! Too bad they weren't awake for us!

You got the LOVELY SHOT, the LEAVE ME ALONE and the did you take the picture YET?! NICE!! I LOVE trying to get a CUTE SHOT and turns into WHAT THE?!

The girls LOVED these things! This was ENTERTAINMENT for me!

This one CRACKS me up! She was LOVING this! I LOVE her TEETH!!


  1. hahaha! Tori does the same thing to me when I try to love on her she screams and pushes me away haha jk!!! but those pictures are awesome the last one is ADORABLE!

  2. Okay Tori is the cutest little cow I have ever seen!

  3. So cute!! The fair is so fun with the kiddos! The pics of Tori not loving the girls love is ridiculously adorable! Love that girl and her attitude!
